We like using the internet. It can teach us things. We often use it to procrastinate, though that is a different topic. The internet can be used to learn almost anything. Topics from how to build complex devices involving nuclear physics to how to play simple melodies on any instrument are covered on the internet.
It would also be logical to consider that history is also covered by the internet. This is true, and given people’s creativity, there are amazing ways to learn history.
Reading a book does not have to be the only way to learn history, when you have internet access so here are some entertaining ways to learn history online.
YouTube Videos
YouTube is a video sharing platform, where content creators share their professional pieces on various topics, but where individuals also share their own opinions, music and videos. Where there are a lot of people, there are a lot of different ways to cover a topic.

History is covered in multiple ways on YouTube, through classic documentaries with a droning voice that puts you to sleep, to more modern, exciting and approachable ways.
There are channels which are not as accurate, or are pushing an extremist point of view, but such can easily be spotted.
As always, not every piece of information is correct on YouTube, even though it might be entertaining.
Expert Written Articles
Books and articles, aren’t they the same? Not really, articles are often much smaller in size and given the internet user’s attention span, they are much more entertaining and content packed than books.
When an expert writer writes an article, it is fun and engaging, while also providing you with tons of information. There are plenty of such articles on the topic of history, which are fun and engaging, while also being traditional in a sense. This is a great way to learn about specific topics in history, but might not work with broader and more general topics.
Courses – The New Education System
The internet gave us options and we used them. New jobs were created and people turned teachers, but not in a traditional way. Online courses were created, filmed in advance to cover specific topics. History can be very interesting when learned this way. It can be interactive and engaging, but not like watching a documentary, which can be tedious. Courses are often planned thoroughly, knowing that students’ attention spans are challenged at every point by the internet.

Forum Discussions
Forums are and have been the most volatile place to get information. People freely giving their opinions on topics can be disturbing, entertaining, confusing and helpful at the same time. Touchy subjects will get you extreme responses and you might learn a thing or two, but do not count on the accuracy of the information.
The internet gives us more than one way to approach any topic, including learning. History can be learned through these ways online, to make the process of learning more fun than reading through a history book.